- Kingdom Ministry 9/96 pp. 3-6
- Preach the Good News Everywhere
2 Jehovah’s zealous servants of today have the same objective—to reach everyone possible with the Kingdom good news. What can help us to accomplish this goal? More and more people are working full-time and are often not at home when we call. When they are not working, they may be traveling, shopping, or pursuing some form of recreation. How are deserving ones among them being reached with the Kingdom message?—Matt. 10:11.
3 Some are being contacted at their place of employment. Even small towns have a business section where many people spend most of the day. In large cities, people working in industrial parks or high-rise office buildings and those living in high-security apartments are receiving a witness—many for the first time. On weekends, some who have been contacted while relaxing at parks, recreation sites, campgrounds, or in cottages or while waiting in parking lots or in shopping malls have been found to be favorably disposed to the good news.
I remember when elders pushed grocery store ''field service'' after this Kingdom Ministry article. Stand near a grocery store entrance and/or parking lot and preach the Kingdom ''good news'' and try to place literature.
My brother ( who is an elder) was scolded one time while visiting Niagara Falls in Canada. The congregation elders decided to pass out ''literature'' while visitors were walking and enjoying the beautiful Falls. A man ( who was handed a ''tract'' ) scolded my brother, '' It's bad enough you come to my door, but I now you even bother me on vacation.''
Since I found this preaching method ''harassment,'' I never participated. Did you ever preach at a store, park, office building, campground, vacation spot?